Black Star Line is the result of a chat with my nephew and two nieces. They wanted a clothing line that represented them and their friends in a positive light and wasn't based primarily around sports and music. Designs available to buy at www.redbubble.com/people/TheChromeKid/shop?asc=u Designed to appeal primarily to the black and ethnic minority communities of London and the wider UK and to impart a sense of pride in some of the cultural heroes and leaders of the black community and Jamaica in particular. The name of the project "Black Star Line" is a direct reference to the shipping company founded by the civil rights leader Marcus Garvey, one of Jamaicas national heroes. Special thanks to my copy writer Edward Copeland for refining the copy. Also Omar Karim, Gaby Choo, Matt, Theo & Sid Patterson for further helping to refine some of the designs.